Exhibit your crocheting skills by making beautiful pouches for your plants! Here are some fantastic Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns worth trying!

Any air plant lover, with expertise in crocheting, is going to love these crochet air plant holder patterns! Go through this article and find some amazing ideas to weave one for yourself!

1. Air Plants Pots

 Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns

Use your crocheting skills for making trendy and cute pots for air plants. Take help from this tutorial that will guide you in using SC2TOG stitches.

2. Pineapple Plant Hanger

This planter, giving a pineapple-like appearance, is a popular motif among crocheters and can be easily weaved using Lion Brand Fast-Track yarn. You can even suspend them by adding tiny loops!

3. Mini Air Plant Hanger

 Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns 2

This nest-like air plant hanger can be suspended anywhere in your patio! Here, the blogger has used the Front post-half-treble technique for stitching this rustic planter.

4. Itsy Bitsy Tiered Air Plant Holder

Make a vibrant and multi-tiered air plant holder using darn good yarns and crochet them in continuous rounds pattern. You can also add some more tiers in it by repeating the steps explained in this article.

5. Air Plant Bowls

 Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns 3


This instructional video will help you in making a striking crocheted bowl for holding large air plants.

6. Hanging Air Planter

This round and hanging air plant holder is super easy to make and can be prepared using bulky yarn and Tapestry Needle. Air-plants in this hanging planter will add a touch of fun on the walls.

7. Mini Air Plant Holder

 Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns 4

If you are an avid crocheter and want to utilize the leftover yarn from your last crochet project, then this air planter is a great way of doing that! This neutral shade planter carrying air plants can become a great addition to your coffee table.

8. Air Plant Jellyfish

This jellyfish air planter featuring french knots is super easy to make. For a cleaner look, the blogger has used cotton yarns, but you can also use jute or kitchen twine can also work well.

9. Plant Hanger

 Crochet Air Plant Holder Patterns 5

This brown colored hanging planter is made using two complementary shade cotton yarns, and its holders are worked in continuous rounds.

10. Teardrop Pouch

These bold colored pouches carrying air plants are simply beautiful to look at! The blogger has used Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick yarn for weaving them, but any bulky yarn will do.